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(1 edit)

Purchased yesterday, Totally Awesome game Love it and right difficulty as well, Excellent work pal,  Both thumbs up..SHOOT EM UPS 4 LIFE!!!

Happy you like the game, Denaris. You have been commenting here such a long time ago already.. :)
Hope you will have lots of fun with it in the future.. :)

Many thanks, really great shoot'em up for Amiga.

On Vampire V4 standalone only CD32 version works and only under standard AROS rom, I tested it with Kick 3.1, 3.x (45.064) and 3.1.4 but no way. WHDLoad version shows only a black screen.

Tested on real Amiga 1200 + Blizzard IV game works perfectly.

Mmhh, you are the second person reporting this. I think I need to have a look into that problem with the V4.

Thanks for the feedback, DanyPPC... :)

and small... gameplay :-)



Are you still en route for a March release, or will it take a bit more time?


Hey mate, game will be released 11th of April.
There will be a live twitch stream where the game is demonstrated as it looks now. 
Hope you will like it.. 

Your game is to be released on my Birthday how awesome is that and cant wait :)    SHOOT EM UPS 4 LIFE!!!

That's nice, mate... :)
Hope you will enjoy watching the show where we present the game... ;)

Thank you for the answer and providing the link.

Just two more things:

- Do you when the stream will go live?

- Will this game be available as a retail release, considering the cover up there with the polyplay logo I guess yes, but asking doesn't cost anything ;)

Physical versions at


yep, there will be a deluxe boxed set, budget version and CD32 version.

Just check on sunday evening.
The strream will go live on 7pm Berlin time.. 

Hope to see you there... ;)

Whdload slave sounds great. Could we not have a demo version with the whdload slave so want to try the game out.


This game looks great. What would make it extra great is if it worked on Vampire SA. I have tried running it and I get just a black screen. Please email if there is any way I can help . Im not a programmer though but am willing to test things for you

(1 edit) (-1)

Inviyya works fabulous on Vampires (tested it a lot on my V1200), but you need a floppy drive. The game is switching off the OS and uses a special loader for maximum performance on A500 level systems.

Since the SA doesn't have one, that's where the problem lies, I guess.

The full game version will have a whdLoad slave, so that will cover you on that front... 

Hope you will like the game, looking forward to your feedback.

I love the box art work of inviyya and just wondered if you have a 1280 x 720 pic so i can have it on my desktop displayed, that will be great thank you, look forward to the release of your game :) cant wait!!

Need to ask Seba from Poly.Play, but I think this will be possible... :)

So, the game will be release at February 2021?


February or March.

ok! thx

April 11 it is coming :)

Hey there, I am very interested in your game and am already planning to throw my money at you, but I'd like to know something first.

As I understand this demo is playable on a real Amiga, is there a special configuration needed (ram and or cpu) or should it work on any model? I ask because I can run it on UAE with no problem, but when I try on my Amiga 500 it starts to load, after a while my disk drive goes nuts and after a few seconds I get a garbled screen and nothing else.

My config is an Amiga 500 Rev. 6a, Kick 3.1, with 1mb chip, 64mb fast ram a 68030 at 50Mhz with MMU, a real floppy and a gotek drive (both go insane while loading)

Perhaps you encountered this also during development and have an idea where the problem is, if not I can alwayss use UAE.

Thanks for reading.

And here I am again...feeling stupid... :D

Tried copying the adf to a floppy again and this time it works. So please disregard my previous post. 

So just let me say this from one Michael to another, get it done I want to spend my hard earned cash :D

On a more serious note, thank you for your hard work and commitment to this old hardware it is always nice to come back to retro systems and see that there is actually still work be done.  Looking forward to the release.

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Hey Michael, I'd be really wondering if this didn't work on your config. We tested this game on a shitload of different systems, from a base A500 to a 68060 and Vampire cards. :)

Glad to hear it works now, though...  :)
Hope you will like the final game, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it when it released..
Have a great time, mate,

the other Michael 

Please let me know when your game is finished, that will be great cheers pal, Hope you have a good Christmas :)

Hey Denaris, thanks for your kind words.
My Laptop crashed hard two weeks ago, so no release at the moment, unfortunately.
But I made regular backups.. Game should be safe... :D

Wish you a nice Christmas as well, my friend..


I'm sure not long now or days away from the release of your wonderful shoot em up game, in other words have my money and a Christmas bonus thrown in for all your hard work, Cant wait :)

Deleted 1 year ago


I've tried the demo and the game seems to have a lot of potential, but two things annoyed me a lot:

1) Collisions don't work properly and are too punishing. You die even if nothing really touches you. I think a very smaller hitbox is necessary.

2) When you die you don't even notice, both because of the collisions bug, and because nothing happens: no explosions, no sound effects.

If I may add some suggestion I think it would be nice to have sound effects for "bigger" enemies shooting (like flying and walking mechs in the demo).

Ah, I found a BUG! :)
Once in three attempts the first level's boss (wich I could not beat! It's hard!) did not appear, leaving me in the empty room, with nothing to do but crashing on the soil.


1) I need a video or at least a screenshot for specific instances where you feel it's this way. 
2) there is an explosion and sound effect if you. It's just not different from the other explosion and their sfx, so maybe you didn't notice?
3) would be nice, but RAM for sound fx is extremely limited if you have music as well in an A500 game (reason why many games didn't have music and SFX playing the same time), and since you only have one channel for everything, it can easily happen that this sfx will be drowned out since explosion sounds have priority.. 

That boss bug is already repaired.. 

Thanks for your feedback, hope you enjoyed the demo anyway.

Feels lovely and smooth to play. Some of the explosions could do with being beefed-up, tho (e.g. the player ship and those big dudes near the start). And, yeah, an autofire option would be nice ;)

Thanks for the nice words... :)

Add an Autofire, please! My fingers get sore from pressing that button so much!

Haha. :)

very impressive shoot em up, Awesome use of colours and parralax scrolling, love the ship design & cool weapons, looking forward to the release of this Fantastic game and Excellent work..i dont own an AMIGA computer but i have an emulator...will their be a Rom release of INVIYYA  for purchase ? Thank you :)

Hey mate, thanks for your nice words.. :)
Yes, there will be a digital release (an adf file... :) )
Greets from sunny Munich...

(2 edits)

Thank you pal, Thats great news, cant wait to buy & play your game :)

Greets from the U.K.

Hi pal, how are you getting on with your game ? cheers :)

Almost finished now... Game will be released before christmas.. :)

Thank you for your reply & cant wait to purchase your Awesome Shoot Em Up :)

Great Gameplay.

I will schow the Game on my german Youtube Channel AmigaCoder.

I hope the game it will be finished soon. Its a great new game for classic Amigas. TOP !!!

Nice Greetings from Germany , Berlin to you. AmigaCoder


Thanks, man.. :)
Wait for the updated demo, will be uploaded here very soon.

Features a much better weapon upgrade system, higher difficulty level and much less problem with various configs... 

Have a nice day... :

I have to say I would love to see an NTSC version, too. My A1000 won't go into PAL mode like my A500 and A1200 can (because of Denise), so the demo just locks up.
I am going to be doing a video with Boat from Amigos Podcast about games that work on an A1000, and it would be so awesome if this one did!
Of course, I will enjoy it anyway on my other machines, but just wanted to put in another vote for NTSC.
I would guess that your poll on your Facebook page was mostly PAL because most of the people who like you page happened to be from Europe. I honestly had never heard of the game until I saw you on Bills stream last week. (Of course I am on your FB page now!)
Doug - 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast

Hey Doug, I conducted the poll on the "Commodore Amiga" FB page, not on my games page.. ;)
The problem with NTSC is not implementing the correct mode, but that the game runs faster and has less time per frame to blit objects.
As it is, the game is running a typical A500 (and also A1000, where I usually test on) to its maximum capacity, meaning, it's also already sometimes over it, which results in dropping frames. You could play the game in NTSC, but it would feel super slow, unless you have some kind of accelerator built in that is making up the blittertime lost by the additional frames per second.
Changing all of this would unfortunately need an extensive rebuild of the games levels. Which is something I'd rather like to avoid... 
Hope you might enjoy the game anyway, many greets, Michael

You will love to hear, that the new version is NTSC capable.. Just try it out... Greets, Michael

Tried it on my NTSC systems and forces system to PAL mode.  Looks like it doesn't utilize the whole screen in PAL anyway.   Will this be NTSC compatible?

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Well, it uses only 192 lines, so in that regard it's not "anti NTSC".

I won't create a dedicated NTSC version though. A poll I created some time ago in the Facebook Amiga group indicated that the percentage of NTSC machines used for gaming is really incredibly small.

Unfortunately, I have to pick my battlefields when it comes to spending my time for the game, so this is really not high on my to do list, sorry..

Looks very neat! I played the demo on winUAE, my Amiga 500 is in my family home :) A few suggestions. 

I don't know in which state is the title screen, but that planet in the background makes logo a bit less readable.

In the very beginning, you can just fly straight and shoot through the enemies. So, either enemies should have some unpredictable movement, or maybe some of them should not be destroyed by one hit. That way the player would be forced to move around.

And I've noticed one glitch. I entered the spaceship, and when I died, it re-spawned me just in front of other obstacle so it crashed instantly after re-spawn without any chance to avoid the obstacle.

Other than that, I am more than happy to review a demo for Amiga 500 in 2020 :) I'll surely play it some more.

Keep on the good work!

Thanks man.. :)
Will put the wrong respawn in my bug tracker list..
When you finished the boss, please give me small report how many tries and lives you needed, if you have time... Would be amazing... Thanks.. 

Deleted 1 year ago

These are predeterminded checkpoints. 
But I need to simplychange  that check point a bit, then it's okay.

Deleted 1 year ago
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