A downloadable game

Buy Now$12.00 USD or more

A horizontal SHMUP for the line of classic Commodore Amiga computers, Inviyya features  6 unique organic levels each with its own enemies and bosses, couple of weapon upgrades, 3 layer parallax scrolling and nice music and sfx.

Should work on every existing classic Amiga (and the Amiga Mini) with at least 512k Chip and any other form of 512kb extra RAM (chip, slow or fast), PAL or NTSC ( for NTSC I recommend some slight acceleration above standard 7mhz 68K. Game is extremely playable as it is on these systems, but it will look smoother in some rare situations with lots of enemies on screen with a bit extra accelerator oomph).

Amiga Mini Install instructions:
Get the Inviyya_WHD_7LVL.lha from the here, and it should run on the Amiga Mini out of the box.

As far as I understand, if you download the latest firmware and install it on the Mini you don't even need to change their database xml file.

Let me know in the comments if that worked for you. 

Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(29 total ratings)
GenreShooter, Action
Tags2D, Arcade, oldschool, Pixel Art, Retro, Sci-fi, Shoot 'Em Up, Space


Buy Now$12.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $12 USD. You will get access to the following files:

InviyyaSoundtrack.lha 140 kB
Inviyya_7LVL.adf 880 kB
Inviyya_WHD_7LVL.lha 807 kB

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I have bought the Collectors Edition Box Diskette and just wanna say "Thank you" for this great game. I really love the music and gameplay is addictive.

The Box is beautiful. Nice to have the Micro SD also included.

Thanks for the nice words, mate... Really appreciated... :)

If Mister FPGA has an Amiga OCS core with 512k/512k RAM, I am very sure it does... :)

Hi. Great game. Is possible to run in Mister FPGA?

Why it should be not possible?


I just bought your game on itch.io. Have you ever thought about publishing your game for Evercade? I currently love playing retro games on my Evercade console. Please contact Blaze Entertainment and see what they think about it. I would be happy to buy the game as a cartridge, too.



Very nice but hard shooter. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 01:23:21. Subscription to our YouTube or Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂

I have an A500 1meg chip and Pistorm/3.2 rom and workbench etc. booting from disk or WHDLoad the game plays with a constant judder, like every 1/2 second or so. Has anyone else had any joy with this configuration?

Sorry, no idea what might cause the problem here.... : /

Shame, i'm still interested to hear if other Inviyya players have issues with the A500 and Pistorm? i would really like to play without dismantling my machine!

I was wondering if the game works on A500mini ?

I think the A500mini can do AGA games, so there is nothing that should prevent you from playing the game on it.

Thanks for your reply,  the game is a success.🤘🏻 looks awesome. yeah It should be no problem. But I saw an earlier comment that someone having a trouble getting it run on the a500mini. 

It works on A500mini 🙂, just adjust the copper setting. Beautiful Game. Looking forward to the next one🤘🏻👍🏻

Hi, Finally I bought it today in digital version... to fully support the development team !!!

It's a beautifull game,

But don't You have any Manual in PDF ?

Best regards,


Sorry for the late reply, mate.. Was a bit sick.
Can you send me your e-mail-adress? ;)

(1 edit) (-1)

Thanks, my e-mail address is :

Check your mails... ;)

I have it now ... Many Thanks

looking fabulous :) when did the concept begin and how long did it take you to complete?

Hey mate. Thanks for the nice comment.
Started in late 2016, and took me around 4 years. Not working on it all the time, though, of course... ;)

awesome :)

I bought the game today, and I'm glad I did it. Great fun indeed, and really looking forward to any future releases from you. Thanks!

Hey tuahis. Nice to hear you like the game. Would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this after playing a while... :) (and yeah, Inviyya 2 is in the works right now ;) )

Love the game, Cant seem to get LHA working on my new Amiga Mini, so any help with that would be appreciated.  

Hey Drisk, I will answer you on your thread on the English Amiga Board. :)

Two question:
How to use WHDload version on retroarch, with PUAE.
How to use trainer on ADF version.Tnx.

Sorry, mate, I don't have any idea on both topics... ;)

Grrrrrrrrreat game! Simply awesome! 

Thanks mate, much appreciated!

Hi, i bought the Deluxe boxed edition and now i would like to download th 7th level... Have i to pay again?

Just write to Poly.Play if you bought the game there, mate... :) They will send you the update. 
Greets, Tigerskunk

Ok thanks... where I can find the Poly.Play email address?

I used the contact form on the poly play website. It took quite some time and only just now I found out that I did receive a response already six days ago, but Gmail put it in the spam folder. So some patience and checking the spam folder regularly is advised. Apart from that  great stuff...love inviyya and love the the commitment of tigerskunk. Adding two full levels after release as free dlc is simply lovely...can't wait til their next game.

Thanks for the kind words, Tolgod... :)

I have received my copy of the game in the BOX version. Wonderful ! I recommend the purchase to everyone!

I am very happy, my 9 year old child also plays happily!

In the box there was a CF where level 7 was present but I have not found the simplified version. Is there no way to get it?

Hey mate, happy to hear you and your child like the game... :) 
What do you mean by "simplified version"? 


excuse me, the balanced version


Ah, okay.. :D
The 7 level version has all the enhancements of the "Balanced Version" already in there.

It's the Balanced Version plus a new level, so to say.. :)

thanks for the repley !

Saluti dall'Italia ! :-)


My boxed copy arrived yesterday! AMAZING. My first ever Amiga game purchase Digital OR Boxed. Was so glad to see your interview with Amigabill on his Twitch stream. 

Wow, now that's a nice feedback... :)
Thanks, mate. Hope you are happy with the game.

Would love to read how it plays for you.. :)

Bought your game in Big Box edition, hoping your next games also will be in Big Box edition cause it completes the nostalgia feeling + looks awesome on the shelf ;)

Thanks for the support, Dtomaso.. :)
Yep, it's planned to do more boxed releases.. Let's see how that turns out.. :)


This is a great game, really love to play it again and again.

I've made a short video of it and published it on my channel:

Yay, super nice... Thanks for the effort, sedor... :)

:) Hope to see more games from you "soon" :)

I saved the Galaxy, including level 7! What's next? A new AGA game??

Thank for creating galaxies for me to save!

Thanks for supporting Amiga game dev, mate!
Happy to hear you liked the game.

My next game for the Amiga will be an OCS game once more. Will be called "Krogharr", featuring a beer drinking Barbarian.. ;)

Love the new 7th level, Excellent job Michael/Tigerskunk :)

Thanks, mate... Glad you like it. :)

Deleted 2 years ago

That's easily explained. SFX are very memory hungry on the Amiga since they samples and need to be in Chip RAM if you want to use them through DMA access (which is fast).

An Amiga 500 for which this game is aimed at has only 512 kb of Chip RAM, and Inviyya uses almost every little piece of that for fast triple buffering, music, multi parallaxing, keeping all kinds of gfx and animations that are needed all the time (fonts, explosions, the players ship and its shots, upgrades, etc)... 512 kb might sound like a lot, but all that stuff adds up quickly.

One other explanation for sfx missing for some things is simply a lack of time. In the end I just wanted to get the game shipped after months and months of bug fixing and improving stuff.

I concur, SFX are lacking in the game, but if you are just one person who does EVERYTHING it all comes down to compromises in the end if you want to create a game that rivals old titles from back in the day.

Hope you will like the game anyway, mate... 
Thanks for your already written and hopefully future feedback when you played the game..

Deleted 2 years ago

as a great fan of Amiga CD32 and shumps I bought it but I was a few frustrated by the difficulty , but NOW with the balanced version and cheat mode, it's another game !! , it's bloody awesome :) thanks (winners don't use drug lol !) 

Haha, have fun, mate. Glad you like it... 

This is a great game and I love to play it! Fantastic work!

With the update I tried to install the WHDLoad file, but it seems, the linked WHDLoad archive is incomplete. The installer script is missing. It worked fine with the original file from WHDLoad website.

(1 edit)

yes, the update is just the slave files and not the complete package ( so you must manually copy slave over).

We will fix this ASAP.

Until then, go to Whdload.de and download it there :)

Full link: http://whdload.de/games/Inviyya.html


Downloaded and loving it!

My Amiga 1000 with lightning fast 68010 can't wait to get the box copy soon ;-)

Hi, I bought the physical release from Poly.Play. Does the physical edition come with a digital download that I can play while I wait?

Unfortunately no, we are two different shops not connected to each other. Hope you will like the game when you play it, mate... :)

Thanks for the reply. Looking forward to it :-)

I had already bought the game a few weeks ago here and now see that there is an update to the game.

Where or how can I download the update without paying money again?


I have copied this answer from snz138 on eab:
"It was a bit tricky, but just go to the main page of the game:

Then (when logged in) you should see "You own this game" on top of the page with "Download" button.
The button takes you to a page showing the files available for download.
The balance update lha is in this list "


Great work. Thank you so much for keeping  the Amiga community alive!


Thanks for buying my little game, mate... :)

Hi,  thanks for making a great game.  I saw you on Amiga Bill and remember you spoke a little about your development process.  Can you share more details on how you created the graphics?  I seem to recall you used GIMP?  How did you create Amiga compatible files?  Can you share some guidelines and pitfalls you overcame to get that process working?


Hey SilverRat.. :) Yep, i created the graphics in GIMP. Not much magic in there, though. Just using indexed mode with a palette of 16 colors, saving to a BMP, and then using some self coded scripts that do a simple chunky to interleaved planar conversion. Then saving the stuff into tiles or whatever needed.  


I just finished the game today after many hours of fun.

I can't wait to practice the next level and get my boxed version :-)

Thank you very much Michael for your excellent artwork.


Hey Sergius. Thanks for the super nice feedback, mate. Makes me happy to hear you had fun playing my little game..
Hope you will like the new level, heavy at work on it right now... ;)
Many greets from Munich,


Hi Tigerskunk, thanks for the game! And greetings from Finland!

As a gamer who has played tons of SHMUPs, this one is pretty good. Catchy music, varied levels, nice organic designs and decent difficulty. And for the Amiga! That’s something I like to support!

I just beat the game with my real PAL Amiga 500 with 1MB RAM and with Gotek. Everything worked nicely!

There is only one area I like to point out: the collision detection. 95% of the time it’s fine! But I ran into some spots that seemed to work little odd.

1. Third boss, you could hit the boss even when shooting way under past it. Also there was some invisible things (not bullets) killing you when travelled little closer to the right.

2. Fourth boss would not play any sound or flashing when damaged, so I was totally mystified in the beginning if I was even shooting it in the right place. Well, I guess I was when the boss eventually died.

3. Last level with the big ship, I once hit an invisible wall (or something) when I destroyed the two guns on the front and flew above the ship. I just died in thin air, not really even close to the ship. That was truly surprising. After that I was a bit afraid of these invisible killers.

4. First boss stops shooting after it dies but I think almost all other bosses shoot even after dying. Something I found little inconsistent.

5. The second level has some nice curved organic level design, l like it! But it seems quite hard to know which shapes you can touch and which will kill you because it varies a lot. No really a big problem, you can shoot the shapes and figure it out that way. But some improved consistency in the sprite shapes and the real collision detection would be nice!

All in all, good little game! I’m amazed that these new games are still made to these older computers and consoles. It really makes me happy!

I hope you keep on working on new stuff like Inviyya.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey mate. First off, thanks off for the detailed and constructive criticism and playing and liking my little game.

I admit that the whole background collision detection thing is kind of the "weak point" of the game. I settled early on for a system that is super fast and reasonably effective, but might be a bit too unprecise for what people expect from a SHMUP, unfortunately. I will certainly improve on that the most for my next game, I promise!

On your points:
1) Hmm, no idea on that. Hope it's playable anyway ;)

2) That intentional. You cannot hurt him, you just have to wait for a certain amount of time passing.

3) I haven't encountered that myself. If you find or can record a video of that happening, it would be helpful. :)

4) Funny, didn't notice that myself. The bullets won't hurt you after explosion sequence starts, though. Maybe that's a little consolation.. haha

5) Yep, that unfortunately comes a bit along with the fast but a bit unprecise system I used for my collission detection. With these organic designs that flaw gets even a bit more obvious. I can only recommend to do "probe shots" in the direction you wanna go to check out of there is a wall there or not in the collission map. Usually I went for less collisions areas when in doubt.

Thanks for the feedback and kind words, mate.
Hope to improve on that stuff in my next game.

Also, watch out, I will add another level to the game to download for free. Will take me a month or two to create, though..


Hi Michael !

Heh, do you actually have some space left on the floppy disk ?! :)


New level sounds great, i cant wait!!! look forward ;)

Hello! I'm the webmaster of radio-paralax.de, a webradio dedicated to chiptune- and computer game remixes. I've planned a Livestream on Twitch for saturday evening and want to ask you wether it would be possible to get a free promotion copy for showing and reviewing the game in our livestream - maybe even for a longplay. You can also contact me over the website. I'm looking forward to you answer and would be to show the game in our community. :-)

Hey Paralax, schreib mir ne PM auf A1K! LG, Michi

Gerne! Wie ist denn dein Name dort? Leider drängt die Zeit etwas, da die Sendung schon heut Abend gegen 19:00 beginnt. :-)

Hello Tigerskunk! Congratulations on this awesome shooter! I would like to ask if its OK to promote the Digital version of Inviyya through AmigaLive.

As example: I can have a configuration ready for anyone who purchases the digital version and places the digital file under their emulation folder to allow them to easily play and stream their gameplay live through twitch.tv/amigalive

Off course, mate..

Sounds amazing, thanks for the promotion... :)

Thanks!! "Inviyya" is now available in the "Single Player Games" list of AmigaLive!

This allows anyone who owns the digital copy of "Inviyya", to be able to play and stream their gameplay live through the channel "twitch.tv/amigalive" by downloading and placing the digital file "InviyyaDigital.zip" under the emulator folder "AmigaLive\FS-UAE\Floppies

Love it, Mate! 

You require a complete address for "VAT". This is ridiculous. It only applies to the U.S..

The rest of the world is fine with the Country of origin.

plz talk to itch.io.

LOL, no idea mate. Isn't itch.io an US company?
Weird then... 

I really wanted to support you  more, but this is a no-go.

I get the boxed versions, but wanted to play it tnow.


Due to 2015 VAT MOSS regulations for EU this seller requires evidence of buyer location for purchases. Please provide your billing address to continue.


Nah, can understand that. That's really weird, mate. Sorry for that. No idea what they are doing here with this.
Anyway, hope you will have fun with the boxed set... :)

As a suggestion you may want to have a 'demo disk' version, and use something like ScriptedAmigaEmulator so people can see it in action.  So far it seems to run okay with the AROS rom, it just needs a bunch more RAM, which is cheap under emulation anyways ;)

Otherwise, it looks like fun, I'm just absolutely terrible at R-Type style games, so it's on me for not getting far at all, but I'm glad that I could support someone doing new games on the Amiga!

Hello, we’re interested in covering Inviyya for our podcast/website on our new Amiga CD32, but wanted to know if the download that’s up for purchase is already formatted for WHD loading from a CF via TF330 expansion board? (We’re still new to Amiga & wanted to know what we would be looking at to get setup before committing to coverage.)

Thanks again for your time!

Yes, this would work, mate.
Tony, who is my QA buddy tested it exactly on that setup!

(1 edit)

Play the INVIYYA ADF file on the winUAE Amiga emulator go to game ports settings and select what controller you are using & you can click AutoFire on and off it works great. :)

I will say this. All the people clamoring for this and that like this is a pub with a full menu... I don't get it. People demanding auto-fire? If they were to go buy a brand new road bike, would they also demand training wheels to go with it? Having to press the fire button requires effort, and it was a design choice I think one learns how to manage with practice. Holy smoke! Never seen so much whining and complaining over what in my mind has the potential to become a legendary game. 

In other words I trust your choices. It's your game, and it's brilliant. 

Deleted 3 years ago

As some have joysticks with autofire it is kind of unfair to people that do not have it. It is still a kind of cheat in this game. The fire mechanism is not my fav.. either, but you get used to it. Different weapon fire with slightly different speed. It is kind of realistic though and if you could fire as fast as possible the game could be to easy. Think about how autofire would work if it was like that?   

Possible I have played legendary shoot-em ups on both platforms. R-Type in particular is a high-watermark that Michael even mentioned was a source of inspiration. No auto-fire. In fact, that game has 2 fire modes. Tap to fire, and press to hold for a big blast (a cool mechanic). Heck even games like Turrican didn't have auto-fire. BUT - if you had a joystick - you could "cheat" and use it no sweat. That's what a lot of kids did back in the day that could afford one. 

This game follows those paths. It's not a problem as I see it. Somehow Tony beat this game countless times.

And a lot of the games you're probably thinking of were cracked to have trainers put in front of them to give you all kinds of weapons upgrades, and even infinite lives, Continues, etc. 

Welp, a Trainer has been released already for this game in both PAL and NTSC mode. So now we can really hone our skills level by level by trying to do a complete run. It's just like the old days. 

Deleted 3 years ago

Sorry, guys. Had to ban this fool after a few days of writing unreflected shit on this page.

I am all open for constructive criticism of people who have played the game. And I also don't have a problem with people thinking the game is shit.

But by god, let it rest after you told your opinion here.

Hey there, looking to cover your title on our podcast/website for our Amiga CD32 unit, and wanted to know if the download being sold here is already formatted for WHD loading on the TF330 we have setup with our unit (we’re just now getting into Amiga.)

My QA buddy Tony says he exactly used that setup. TF330 and CF cards.
So I'd say the asnwer is yes... :)

In case it's useful I paste my quick first levels impression / remarks from my EAB post : 

Hi ! I've played quite a few games yesterday evening and reached level 3 boss (pretty tough one)... What can I say ?

- I feel you've hit the spot in terms of difficulty curve, which is extremely important for a shmup Right from the start, the game gives the feeling to be difficult but you improve very quickly (you = the player in my text .

There is a common pitfall the game does not fall into : the need to memorize everything. Obviously, the game gets easier as you learn to identify the dangers and the enemies patterns.

Another big plus : the game does not "artificially" try to raise the difficulty or its length but adding tons of waves, unexpected super pervert enemies, etc.
Oh, and super important too : losing a life and thus your equipment does not hamper you that much. Of course, it's tougher but far from being punishing. It usually means "game over" for me in games like R-Type.

Levels are long enough to entertain and put some pressure on you, but short enough not to bore you and not to make you super frustrated when you die after several levels. Also, you get extra lives based on your score.
You do not have tons of different ennemies but they are completely different from one level to the other and feel very fresh. Levels settings are very different : you do not feel content or games mechanisms are being recycled, so it feels varied and continually interested.

Generally, from a technical standpoint, it's very impressive for a one man effort. I'm playing it on my MiSTer FPGA on a projector on the wall, with some scanlines, and it looked gorgeous -- which I must say I didn't expect. Maybe it doesn't always feel as "dense" as some late Amiga endeavours with big teams (ex. Disposable Hero) but it really feels like an AAA game. Music feels it could do with an additional channel for a pad but hey, it's already very enticing.

The only thing that disturbs me a little is I have to continually focus to get the fire rate optimal. I guess that's something I'll probably master quickly.
Cheers !


Thanks for the feedback, Mahen. Read your post on EAB off course already, but it's good for people visiting here to read many opinions on this game... :)

I am thinking about including autofire again, since many people asked for it.. Seems my little "Winter games biathlon" sub game of hitting the button in the right interval puts people off, lol... :D


a Pause button should be standard IMHO (P or F1 like in Gradius)


I have an alternate idea... What if the optimal "button smashing frequency" was sync'ed to the music BPM ? Would make the game even more enjoyable as our ear would be connected to our hands ;)


Would be a bit like in "Rez"... Do you know that game?

Sure !

(1 edit)

Yes, why not. It is kind of unfair that people that do have joysticks with autofire can use it and others not. Not important but I would prefer to see a menu with something like easy = autofire hard = manual. They could even have different high-score lists. That would make it perfect I think.

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